Yesterday we met at 7:30 Am for a long three hour trek into the mountains/jungle. The outer areas are called the tribal areas here but it isn't the images that might go through your head. It is just remote. I saw no bones in noses or witch doctors. We did get to see a Hindu wedding.
We took a very large bus up into the mountains of India. It was beautiful. The ride was treacherous in that monster up those tiny roads around the mountains-especially when we met other buses along the way. Once we were so close to another bus that there was only about 1 inch of space between my window and that bus. The driving here is a story all in it's own.
We finally got to the church and started the eye clinic. Many came for glasses. We sang to them, prayed over them and used some face crayons on their hands. We met several children who also sang to us. We played some games with them and prayed for them and their families. The children go to school from 8 am to 5 pm. School and learning are so important to them. All they care about is God/Jesus and school. They want to go to college and get good jobs. They wanted to be pilots and doctors. Many of their fathers were teachers.
A family that lived just by the church invited me up to their home for tea. They thought I was so funny. I met the whole family, extended family and neighbors. Then I took Jason, Rachel, Greg, Zac and Regan up to meet them also. We all took photos together and I got their address to write to them. They are so happy that I promised to write and send the pictures. They gave us all tea, coffee and grapes. They were so sweet. Through Christ you can bond with people so quickly.
After the eye clinic, at about 7:30 we headed further up the mountain into the communist area for a revival. It was near one of the 80 churches that the pastor of that church has started(through Love N Care)! After more scary driving we go there and the revival had started. We had to stay together because of the area. Apparently communist Hindus don't like the idea of Jesus being the ONE true God! Rachel sang and Pastor Greg said hello and prayed. yesupadam prayed for quite a while and then zealous prayer began from the crowd.
What struck me about their prayers(in telegu not english) was the desperation. The cries for India and their area. I didn't need to understand to know what they were asking for and to go through out the crowd and lay hands on them. After the prayer was much rejoicing and we were whisked away (at about midnight) to come back to the site. We got here at about 3 am.
Today we did some shopping, went to a beautiful beach and had a lovely poolside dinner at a very nice hotel in the city.
Thus far it has been amazing. God has shown me so much. I have had visions, felt healings, seen prayers answered and had God tell me much about this nation. India has so much more in store! God is building a mighty army here and I am so honored to be a part of that.
Tomorrow(SAturday) we have one more eye clinic and a small celebration with the president of New Delhi and the mayor of vizag.
I am very tired and truly ready to return but not ready for 36 hours in the air. I am changed and renewed and coming home just to meet more missions. I cannot wait to begin my new calling of reaching out to the world to help God in the work He is doing here. I know that through us God will bring many here to help build this nation and change this place.
As I read Ecclesiastes a few nights ago it has never rung so true that there is a season for everything and in this season I have seen weeping and laughter, mourning and dance, planting and uprooting but mostly I have been "standing in awe of God". Much has been given to me and much is expected but I know that in following God's will for me I am never chasing after the wind! Please continue your prayers of intercession and protection. I will try to write again, please pray for a comfortable and safe return home.
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