Saturday, February 17, 2007

We're in India!

So we got in at about 1:30am Mumbai time, pretty tired after plenty of delays and a non-stop 14hr flight from JFK. After some more delays waiting for bags & getting through customs, we finally got hooked up with the guys from the hotel. You'll see in the pics that things got pretty slaphappy after being immobile that long.
We got our first taste of street kids begging while loading up the really breaks your heart, you can tell they are varitable professionals they do it so much.
The hotel is really nice, which we're appreciating...unfortunately, we didn't really get up to the rooms etc until about 3:30am, and we have to hit the road again by 9am after some breakfast. Looks like more tiredeness for everyone tomorrow...but we'll finally be in Vizag, and can get some downtime.
Well here's the latest batch of pics from the last day or so. I'm sure we'll have lots more together once we get settled in Vizag.

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